How to Set Users as Admin in ZAAPIT for Salesforce

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enable zaapit layout editor

Assigning admin privileges to users in ZAAPIT for Salesforce is a crucial step for efficient system management and data administration. Whether you need to grant a user the ability to manage settings, perform mass updates, or handle complex data tasks, ensuring they have the correct admin rights is essential. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting users as admins in ZAAPIT. It provides clear, step-by-step instructions to optimize your Salesforce environment and enhance productivity.

If you find yourself unable to access the Mass Update/Actions buttons in ZAAPIT for Salesforce, don’t worry. We’re here to guide you through the process.

Simply follow these straightforward steps to grant your user admin privileges and regain control:

  1. Access User Settings: Begin by navigating to your user settings within Salesforce.
  2. Adjust Permissions: Once in the user settings, locate the “enable Zaapit’s Layout Editor” checkbox and ensure it is checked. Conversely, make sure to uncheck the “View Editor” checkbox to fine-tune permissions (see the following screenshot).
  3. Save Changes: Lastly, confirm your adjustments and save the changes made to ensure they take effect.
  4. Go to setup > permission sets and add the Zaapit app1 permission set to your user (how to guide).

With these simple steps, you’ll swiftly grant admin privileges to your user and regain control over your ZAAPIT for Salesforce environment.

By completing these steps, you’ll empower your ZaapIT user with admin capabilities, allowing them to efficiently manage data and perform actions like creating merge jobs with ease. Remember, it’s essential to mark only one checkbox, specifically the “Enable ZAAPIT Layout Editor”. Then, you are free to customize the layout as needed to optimize your Salesforce experience.

Need more guidance? Check out this next article about How to move a Zaapit tab to Salesforce production.

For more information and guides we recommend visiting ZaapIT’s full User/Admin guide.


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