Category: zaapit settings

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enable zaapit layout editor

Setting your user as the app’s admin in ZAAPIT for Salesforce

You shoud do that if you can’t see the Mass update/actions all buttons: Please mark the layout editor checkbox and unmark the view editor checkbox for your user, add the fields to the layout if you can’t find them under your user, after doing that you will be able to create a merge job.

adding a user to the zaapit license

Adding a user to your ZaapIT Tools license

To add a user to your ZaapIT Tools license, go to the user details page: Salesforce setup> manage users> users> search for the user and click the record that you want to view and do the following: 1. Add the zaapit tools package for the user under the relevant related list: 2. Add the ZaapIT…
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ZaapIT manage license

How to assign a user license to another user in ZaapIT for Salesforce:

Do the following to assign/transfer a user-license to another user, you can manage it via installed packages of through the user-details page. Through the user-details page:

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