Category: unlimited actions

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alternative to excel connector

Best Alternatives to Salesforce Excel Connector

Seeking Mac/Windows Alternatives to the Retired Excel Connector? Many companies relied on the Salesforce Excel Connector alongside Microsoft Excel for bulk updates and general data maintenance tasks. This process typically involved exporting data segments, identifying and resolving issues, refreshing data, and re-importing it back into Salesforce. This workflow is not only time-consuming but also prone…
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Automatic Lead convert in Salesforce

In this example, you will learn how to configure an automated lead conversion process using customized conversion criteria. You can use this setup to define specific conditions that automatically convert leads into contacts and accounts within Salesforce.

Fuzzy de-duplication within Salesforce

Fuzzy de-duplication is a process used to identify and merge duplicate records in a dataset, where the duplicates are not exact matches but are similar enough to be considered the same. This technique is particularly useful in situations where data entry errors, variations in spelling, or different formats can cause similar records to appear distinct.…
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mass update all rows

How to set new value in bulk using formula

This step-by-step guide illustrates how to set a new field value in bulk using a custom formula. This method can be applied to either a specific subset of records or to all records within your dataset, and it is designed to be user-friendly, eliminating the need for any coding knowledge. Whether you are updating a…
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unlimited bulk updates

Breaking the sound barrier for bulk updates

Every Salesforce consultant / developer can tell you that Salesforce has a lot of development constrains aka limits – the most common one is the bulk update / insert limit (aka DML limit) which limit you to 10,000 rows per request/execution on custom code.

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