Category: Mass Convert

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Tackling Duplicate Leads and Contacts in Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer service activities efficiently. However, like any CRM system, Salesforce is only as effective as the data it contains. Duplicate leads and contacts can undermine the accuracy of your data and negatively impact your sales and marketing efforts.…
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mass convert all leads for salesforce

Mass Lead Convert in Salesforce lightning LEX

The following example will demonstrate how to perform bulk lead conversions in Salesforce Lightning Experience (LEX). This process allows you to mass convert multiple lead records in bulk and merge them with existing or matching contacts and accounts. The application utilizes the lead’s email address and company name to identify and match existing contacts and…
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Automatic Lead convert in Salesforce

In this example, you will learn how to configure an automated lead conversion process using customized conversion criteria. You can use this setup to define specific conditions that automatically convert leads into contacts and accounts within Salesforce.

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