Tackling Duplicate Leads and Contacts in Salesforce


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Salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer service activities efficiently. However, like any CRM system, Salesforce is only as effective as the data it contains. Duplicate leads and contacts can undermine the accuracy of your data and negatively impact your sales and marketing efforts. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of addressing duplicate leads and contacts in Salesforce and provide you with practical steps to prevent and manage them effectively.

The Cost of Duplicate Leads and Contacts

Duplicate leads and contacts are more than just a minor inconvenience; they can have significant consequences for your business:

Inaccurate Reporting

Duplicate records can distort your sales and marketing reports, making it difficult to assess the true health of your pipeline and the success of your campaigns.

Wasted Time

Sales and marketing teams can waste valuable time pursuing the same leads or contacts multiple times, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.

Inefficient Marketing Campaigns

Duplicate contacts can receive the same marketing emails or messages multiple times, causing annoyance and potentially leading them to unsubscribe or disengage.

Missed Opportunities

On the flip side, duplicate leads may not receive the attention they deserve, leading to missed sales opportunities.

Duplicate customer presented as lead and contact
Duplicate customer presented in Salesforce as lead and contact

Addressing Duplicate Leads and Contacts

Now that we understand the negative impact of duplicate records, let’s discuss how to tackle this issue effectively within Salesforce:

1. Data Validation Rules

Data Validation Rules: Implement data validation rules in Salesforce to prevent the creation of duplicate records. For example, you can set up rules to ensure that email addresses or phone numbers must be unique. You may want to avoid that if you are pushing leads into Salesforce from a WEB-TO-LEAD form; otherwise, it won’t create the new lead for you. A better approach, in such a case, will be to allow the new record to enter your Salesforce and then create an activity for it and auto-convert and merge it with zaapit.com.

2. Standardize Data Entry

Establish guidelines for data entry to ensure consistency. Encourage your team to enter data uniformly, such as using standard abbreviations and formatting.

3. Merge Duplicates

Salesforce provides a handy feature called ‘Convert Lead’, ‘Merge Leads’ and ‘Merge Contacts’ that allows you to combine duplicate records into a single, accurate entry. Ensure that your team knows how to use this feature. If you need to clean many records in mass then you may want to try zaapit.com

4. Use Data Cleansing Tools

Consider using third-party data cleansing tools such as zaapit.com, which is designed to identify and merge duplicate records automatically and in bulk.

5. Regularly Audit Your Database

Schedule periodic database audits to identify and address any new duplicate records that may have slipped through the cracks.

6. Train Your Team

Provide training to your Salesforce users on how to identify and handle duplicate leads and contacts effectively. Create clear procedures and workflows for managing duplicates.

7. Data Enrichment

Periodically enrich your Salesforce data with up-to-date information from reliable sources. This can help identify and correct inaccuracies that may lead to duplicates. You can use BROSH.io to find those new leads and that fresh data.


Maintaining clean and accurate data is essential for the success of your sales and marketing efforts in Salesforce. Duplicate leads and contacts can be a persistent challenge, but with the right strategies and tools in place, you can minimize their impact and ensure that your CRM system remains a valuable asset for your organization.

By implementing data validation rules, standardizing data entry, using merging features, and providing proper training to your team, you can streamline your Salesforce and improve the overall quality of your customer data. Remember that preventing duplicate records is an ongoing process, so regularly monitor and update your database to keep it clean and efficient.


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