It’s easy to be confused by all the mass update apps out there: What is the best option to mass update leads / opportunities in Salesforce? Should you use a free app or should you use a premium one?
Luckily, we have answers. Here are 3 common mass-update apps for Salesforce, and why you should or shouldn’t try them.
App #1 Mass Update Anything (Windows):
This app runs outside of Salesforce with a dedicated windows GUI.Pros: free.Cons: it doesn’t support special fields (dependent pick-lists and others), you need to pre-fetch lookup-field IDs in order to update lookup fields, you need special permissions to use the app and you need to know SOQL
2023 update: The app is now retired
App #2 Mass Update Anything (Mac os x):
This app runs outside of Salesforce with a dedicated windows GUI.Pros: free. Cons: works on mac 10.5+, it doesn’t support special fields (dependent pick-lists and others), you need to pre-fetch lookup-field IDs in order to update lookup fields,you need special permissions to use the app and you need to know SOQL.
2023 update: The app is now retired
App #3 Smart Mass Updating (Salesforce Native):
Pros: works great on Windows, Mac & Linux and it got a collection of really nice features + the app supports special fields (dependent pick-lists and others), you don’t need to know SOQL (SOQL is optional)
Cons: premium app (free for 14 days )Link to the app: Smart Mass Update main features:
- Bulk Update all / filtered rows
- Bulk Delete all / filtered rows
- Mass Create sub-records
- Mass Add in place
- Mass Convert
- Mass Inline Edit (excel style)
- Mass Email via Salesforce’s Template & outlook.
- Conditional Styling (color and field / color based on formula / condition)
- Global Search + per filed search
- Multi column/field sorting
- Advanced Filters (spreadsheet style)
- Mass update selected rows
- Mass Clone any object (usfull for products and tasks)
- Mass edit, mass delete
- Views & charts
- A layout editor
- Server Side
- 100% Native app
Preview inside Salesforce classic from 2014

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