Category: Uncategorized

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how to move tab's settings to production

How to move a Zaapit tab to Salesforce production

Moving a Zaapit tab to Salesforce’s production environment is a crucial task. It helps organizations enhance their customer relationship management. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to ensure a smooth and efficient migration. Follow this guide to enhance your Salesforce environment with Zaapit features. Improve your organization’s productivity and manage customer data effectively. Let’s optimize…
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Mass merge using csv file

How to Mass Merge contacts using a CSV file

Managing duplicate contacts in Salesforce can be a daunting task, especially as your database grows. Duplicate records not only clutter your system but can also lead to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in your customer relationship management processes. To address this, leveraging a mass merge process using a CSV file can significantly streamline your data management efforts.…
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Report on notes and attachments

Report on notes or attachments in Salesforce

Everyone knows that Salesforce doesn’t let you to create a report of Notes and Attachments. But what if you need to see, let’s say, all Notes that were added to your Accounts / Opportunities over the last year? And furthermore, how can you update a couple of hundred of notes without having to click into…
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